This will be the first of several “testimonials” about experiences with our program. Throughout the summer and fall we will post other information here as well such as meet results and team highlights etc., but this will be an additional recurring series. The first comes from Erin Cobb, Brent Cobb is her husband and Sarah & Ephraim’s Dad, who is shadowing the Booster Treasurer this season. Erin is a mother of two runners in our program. Enjoy!

“I have two children currently on the Huntsville High school cross country team and I can not recommend this sport enough.  The team camaraderie, the coaching, the competition, and the accomplishments of the team over the years speak for themselves. 
Instead, I’d like to share a bit about the changes I have seen in my children since they started running for this team. 

First of all, everyone has heard of the runner’s high. But it wasn’t until I experienced that phenomenon with my own children that I fully appreciated the benefit of those endorphins for a teenager’s brain. While these years can be filled with angst, running has provided a natural emotional buffer for my kids. They come home from practice happy, buoyant, and motivated. And those emotions extend beyond the team. They are just happier kids when they are running which makes them more fun to be around! 

Running for the team is certainly a commitment and the early morning practices work against a typical teenager’s schedule. Because my kids know they have to get up at the crack of dawn, they are more focused about getting their schoolwork and home responsibilities accomplished at a decent hour. Which means they’re learning time management skills that will benefit them for the duration of their schooling and beyond. 

Finally, I love that the cross country team is Co-Ed. While the boys and girls compete separately, they train together and encourage one another. As a parent of mixed gender siblings I never anticipated that my kids would be able to enjoy a sport together.  Running has given them a shared passion and an activity they can do together.  And it’s portable!  When our family travels they can still maintain their training together.

We look forward to many more years on the team and hope to see you there!”